March 18, 2024

Surfacing uncommitted Versions

We now provide the ability to access your uncommitted Prompt Versions and associated Logs.

Adding to our recent changes around the Commit flow for Versions, we’ve added the ability to view any uncommitted versions in your Versions and Logs tables. This can be useful if you need to recover or compare to a previous state during your Prompt engineering and Evaluation workflows.

Uncommitted Versions are created when you make generations in our Editor without first committing what you are working on. In future, it will also be possible to create uncommitted versions when logging or generating using the API.

We’ve added new filter tabs to the Versions and Logs table to enable this:

New **All** and From **Committed By Versions** filter tabs on the logs table.
New **Committed** and **Uncommitted** tabs on the Versions table of your Prompt dashboard.