Chat Model Config


Get chat response for a specific model configuration.


This endpoint expects an object.
streamtrueRequiredDefaults to true

If true, tokens will be sent as data-only server-sent events. If num_samples > 1, samples are streamed back independently.

messageslist of objectsRequired

The messages passed to the to provider chat endpoint.


Identifies the model configuration used to create a chat response.


Unique project name. If no project exists with this name, a new project will be created.


Unique ID of a project to associate to the log. Either this or project must be provided.


ID of the session to associate the datapoint.


A unique string identifying the session to associate the datapoint to. Allows you to log multiple datapoints to a session (using an ID kept by your internal systems) by passing the same session_reference_id in subsequent log requests. Specify at most one of this or session_id.


ID associated to the parent datapoint in a session.


A unique string identifying the previously-logged parent datapoint in a session. Allows you to log nested datapoints with your internal system IDs by passing the same reference ID as parent_id in a prior log request. Specify at most one of this or parent_id. Note that this cannot refer to a datapoint being logged in the same request.

inputsmap from strings to anyOptional

The inputs passed to the prompt template.


Identifies where the model was called from.

metadatamap from strings to anyOptional

Any additional metadata to record.


Whether the request/response payloads will be stored on Humanloop.


ID of the source datapoint if this is a log derived from a datapoint in a dataset.


API keys required by each provider to make API calls. The API keys provided here are not stored by Humanloop. If not specified here, Humanloop will fall back to the key saved to your organization.

num_samplesintegerOptionalDefaults to 1

The number of generations.


End-user ID passed through to provider call.


Whether to return the inputs in the response. If false, the response will contain an empty dictionary under inputs. This is useful for reducing the size of the response. Defaults to true.

tool_choice"none" or "auto" or "required" or objectOptional
Controls how the model uses tools. The following options are supported: 'none' forces the model to not call a tool; the default when no tools are provided as part of the model config. 'auto' the model can decide to call one of the provided tools; the default when tools are provided as part of the model config. Providing {'type': 'function', 'function': {name': <TOOL_NAME>}} forces the model to use the named function.

The format of the response. Only type json_object is currently supported for chat.


Deprecated field: the seed is instead set as part of the request.config object.

tool_callstring or map from strings to stringsOptionalDeprecated
NB: Deprecated with new tool_choice. Controls how the model uses tools. The following options are supported: 'none' forces the model to not call a tool; the default when no tools are provided as part of the model config. 'auto' the model can decide to call one of the provided tools; the default when tools are provided as part of the model config. Providing {'name': <TOOL_NAME>} forces the model to use the provided tool of the same name.


This endpoint returns a stream of object.
datalist of objects

Array containing the chat responses.

provider_responseslist of any

The raw responses returned by the model provider.


Unique identifier of the parent project. Will not be provided if the request was made without providing a project name or id

num_samplesintegerOptionalDefaults to 1

The number of chat responses.


Include the log probabilities of the top n tokens in the provider_response


The suffix that comes after a completion of inserted text. Useful for completions that act like inserts.


End-user ID passed through to provider call.


Counts of the number of tokens used and related stats.

metadatamap from strings to anyOptional

Any additional metadata to record.

provider_requestmap from strings to anyOptional

The raw request sent to the model provider.


ID of the session if it belongs to one.

tool_choice"none" or "auto" or "required" or objectOptional
Controls how the model uses tools. The following options are supported: 'none' forces the model to not call a tool; the default when no tools are provided as part of the model config. 'auto' the model can decide to call one of the provided tools; the default when tools are provided as part of the model config. Providing {'type': 'function', 'function': {name': <TOOL_NAME>}} forces the model to use the named function.
