Deploy Dataset to Environment.
Set the deployed version for the specified Environment.
Unique identifier for Dataset.
Unique identifier for the Environment to deploy the Version to.
Unique identifier for the specific version of the Dataset.
Successful Response
Path of the Dataset, including the name, which is used as a unique identifier.
Unique identifier for the Dataset. Starts with ds_
Name of the Dataset, which is used as a unique identifier.
Unique identifier for the specific Dataset Version. If no query params provided, the default deployed Dataset Version is returned. Starts with dsv_
The status of the Dataset Version.
The number of Datapoints in this Dataset version.
ID of the directory that the file is in on Humanloop.
The list of environments the Dataset Version is deployed to.
The user who created the Dataset.
The user who committed the Dataset Version.
The date and time the Dataset Version was committed.
Message describing the changes made. If provided, a committed version of the Dataset is created. Otherwise, an uncommitted version is created.
The list of Datapoints in this Dataset version. Only provided if explicitly requested.
Additional fields to describe the Dataset. Helpful to separate Dataset versions from each other with details on how they were created or used.